eNews Archives
I’ve been actively involved with the USDF since my first convention in 1995 (I’ve missed three since then). I grew up in rural Western Washington and started riding when I was 5 but it wasn’t until I was 42 that I was introduced to Dressage (in 1990). Since then, I’ve competed primarily at the lower levels on a number of horses but finally was able to bring my horse to the upper levels and earn my USDF Bronze and Silver Medals and Bronze Bar.
I’m an attorney by training and practiced law for 10 years before I went into the family direct marketing business which I then ran for almost 25 years. Since 2007 I’ve been retired, riding my horse, scuba diving and enjoying life. I’ve been a member of E.I. and ODS and have been an active volunteer at shows – scribing, scoring, ring stewarding, etc. For almost 10 years I was the co-volunteer coordinator for the E.I. recognized shows. Since 2010, I’ve been the manager/secretary for the Summervale Dressage Shows in addition to being the secretary for several E.I. recognized shows.
This past year, after some prodding from a couple of TD friends, I went through the USEF TD Apprentice process and became an “r” TD this September – and then TD’d my first show in October!
She was a member of both ODS and Equestrians’ Institute and gained experience in website management as well as show award inventory and procurement. Carolynn chaired and co-chaired the EI auction for five years. In 2007, she started her own photography business and has photographed shows in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Iowa and, notably, Illinois at Lamplight Equestrian Center.
Since 2007, Carolynn has attended every USDF Convention as either a GMO or PM Delegate. Through that, she also sat on the USDF Award Council.
Carolynn is knowledgeable and enthusiastic about what makes up the backbone of our sport’s support -- show management, including the nuts and bolts of scoring, test running, scribing, scheduling, labeling, gate keeping and the many efforts that go into a competition.
December eNews:
The USDF Annual Convention in Savannah has started and Region 6 is well represented. All seven of the PM Delegates are finally here and all of the Region’s GMOs are being represented – either by their Delegates or by those who have agreed to “carry the proxy” for the GMO Delegate who wasn’t able to come to Savannah.
There are several issues which will be decided after this eNews has been finished but before it has been published:
The USDF will have a new Vice-President (either Ken Levy of Indiana or Kevin Reinig of California).
The Board of Governors (BOG) will also be asked to vote on a new type of membership – or perhaps more accurately modifying a current one to make it more attractive. The current “Education Membership” has few members (130, most of whom are junior members) and it is suggested to modify/rename it to a “Non-Competing Membership.” This non-voting membership classification is designed to attract the (literally) thousands of people who drop their Participating Membership each year because they no longer compete. In addition, it is hoped it will also attract some of the thousands of “dressage enthusiasts” who are users of the USDF Facebook Page and/or the “Your Dressage” website. [https://yourdressage.org/]
As part of the Annual Convention, the Executive Board met yesterday (Wednesday) and will meet again Saturday. We were provided with a number of statistics about dressage competitions nationwide and membership numbers. A wrap-up of these numbers will be posted to the Region 6 website soon (www.usdfregion6.org).
While here at the Convention, Keaton Hoy, Oregon, has offered to be the Instagram coordinator for the Region.
The following jobs are looking for people to fill them:
2021 Regional Championships Site Selection Committee – I need people who are familiar with the various facilities, competitors, managers/secretaries, licensed officials and/or just all-around good people to examine any/all applications for the 2021 Regional Championships
Regional Secretary
Reginal Fund Raising Coordinator – totally new idea but someone who can work on fund raising for the Region’s various activities – not necessarily someone to DO the fund raising, but who has the ability to spur action
At this time I don’t know how many from the Region will be getting awards, rider awards, horse of the year, etc., but check out the Regional Website periodically for updates and congratulations to our winners.
As I wrote before, periodically I would include information about one of the Region’s many USEF Licensed Officials. This one is from Sigrun Robertson:
a. I started riding in Gothenburg, Sweden, at the riding school on school horses, when I was seven years old. I rode there until I was 23. In Sweden everyone rides dressage, and most also rider jumpers. So did I, starting to compete on the school horses in both dressage and jumping from about the age 12.
b. I have lived in Alaska since 1967. I now live in Anchorage, Alaska since 1977.
c. I enjoy the people and the horses equally. I like being involved in the sport, though I do not compete anymore. I think by officiating I can contribute to the sport.
d. Scribing for Bengt Ljungquist when I was 17 at a large competition in Gothenburg, Sweden.
e. I have been the Executive Director for Oomingmak, the Musk Ox Producers Co-Operative for many years. I worked for them for 48 years. They are a small Co-Op owned by approximately 250 Alaska Native women, who knit with the very fine underwool of the Musk Ox. See: qiviut.com
Besides that I love to travel, often to Sweden, I enjoy knitting and other handwork.
f. I have some college, but no degree. I studied languages in England, France Germany and Switzerland in my youth. I have continued intermittently to take college classes in many subject, but mainly French and some German, to keep those languages alive.
g. I have been on the board and am a founding member of Alaska Dressage Association. I have held most positions on the ADA board. I have been both a PM and GM delegate to the BoG at several conventions. I have held most positions possible at Alaska Dressage Association shows. I been a Steward and a Technical Delegate for over 40 years.
h. Being in Alaska sometimes feels a little remote from the mainstream of USDF and the Region, but I must say I have always felt very welcome and part of both groups at the times I have been at the Convention or other places to interact with the rest of you.
Regional Activities:
January 11, 2020 – Regional Summit at Devonwood
March 21, 2020 – Musical Freestyle Clinic hosted by the Lower Puget Sound Dressage Club
April 25-26 – USDF Jr/YR Clinic with George Williams – Wilsonville, OR – application information soon to be available at: https://www.usdf.org/education/clinics/jryr/index.asp
April 25-26 – USDF Youth Outreach Clinic – Wilsonville-Sherwood, OR – information and application soon to be available at:
Nomination for Participating Member Delegate – due by April 15, 2020 – information at:
November eNews:
It's hard to believe it is Halloween which means the USDF Convention is just around the corner. I'm looking forward to going to Savannah for the first time and seeing all of the Region 6 people there.
BUT, before Thanksgiving (and more on that later), there are the National Finals in Lexington. Although many qualified to go to the Finals from the Region, only four made the hard decision to go:
Emily Sorenson, from Bainbridge Island, WA, will be riding Excalibur, an 11 year old Lusitano;
Jessica Beck, from Oregon City, OR, will be riding Isaak E, a 6 year old DWB;
Joan Sly, from Stayton, OR, will be riding Decadence, a 9 year old, DWB cross; and
Daniela Groenke, from Hope, ID, will be riding Bardolino, an 8 year old Oldenburg.
Congratulations to all of you and best of luck -- but most of all, enjoy the experience that so few of us ever get to have.
Oregon Dressage Society has elected new officers, with Lisa Koch becoming the new President. A big Thank You to the outgoing President, Karen Cheeke for all of her hard work these past couple of years and welcome and congratulations to Ms. Koch. I look forward to working with you.
Several months ago I wrote that periodically, I would publish information about one of the many USEF Officials we have in Region 6:
Janis Linnan lives in Sandpoint, Idaho and is one of 6 Dressage Technical Delegates in Region 6, but she is so much more than that! Here is her story:
a. I was introduced to Dressage in the early 1970’s by a clinician that frequented Singing Hills Stables in El Cajon, CA named Charles De Kunffy. Later I found out that he was a Licensed Dressage Judge.
b. I have resided in Sandpoint, Idaho since 1996. Prior to moving back to the west, I resided near Middleburg in Northern Virginia for nearly 20 years.
c. I enjoy meeting the wonderful people who enjoy their horses. The TD responsibilities allow me to interact with the competitors.
d. My most memorable Dressage moment was in the 1980’s when Hilda Gurney came to Virginia to Judge our competition. I was entered in a Second Level Class on a horse that I was training and actually scored my test as I was riding it exactly as she scored it. It gave me the confidence to continue in a sport that I loved.
e. Horses have pretty much consumed my life. However, I have been involved with fundraising in the communities where I have lived to help residents less fortunate than others. I also have been involved with a NAHRA group over the years.
f. I was fortunate to attend a private girl’s school while growing up and then transferred over to The San Diego College for Women. It is now known as USD. (The University of San Diego)
g. I have been involved in the USDF, USEA and the USEF throughout my life as an official. I served as the President of the Virginia Dressage Association in the 1980’s when we converted into Chapters. I served briefly on the USDF Technical Delegate’s Council in the 1990’s and currently serve on the USEF Stewards and Technical Delegates Working Group, the USEF Eventing Sport Committee and the USEF Eventing Licensed Officials Working Group. In addition, I am chair of the Eventing Licensed Officials Committee which is responsible for the education of our officials and am serving as the FEI Eventing Steward General for the USA , and as such, am involved in the education of the Eventing Stewards as an FEI Course Director.
h. I enjoyed competing in both Dressage and Eventing and appreciate the hard work that goes into one’s horse to just get to a competition. I have dabbled in the breeding business owning two different stallions. One being a Trakehner and the other a Thoroughbred. I currently am enjoying teaching Dressage Clinics to riders who really want to understand the Training Scale and learn the basics of Dressage.
Current Licenses held:
USEF “R” Dressage Technical Delegate
USEF “S” Eventing Judge
FEI Level 3 Eventing Steward
FEI Level 2 DressageSteward
FEI Level 1 Para-Dressage Steward
Licenses Retired :
USEF Eventing Technical Delegate
FEI Level 3 Eventing Judge.
Over the summer I wrote to three attorney/riders I know, one each in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. I asked if they would be willing to periodically write something about Equine Law and Stephanie Bonney, has written the first one. It will be published on the Region 6 website.
This first article discusses contracts -- what is it and why you may need a written one. Stephanie then discusses "board contracts" and why you should have a written one and items that may need to be covered in the contract.
OK, I'll admit this might not be the most entertaining article but I hope you all will take the time to go to the Region 6 website and at least skim it. IF you have legal questions that you think should be addressed by our team of attorneys, write to me and I'll pass your questions/comments/issues on to them.
I started this issue with a reference to Thanksgiving. I just want to let you all know how thankful I am for:
a. My dear (and new) wife, Louise who puts up with me and gives me the half-halts I need;
b. The Igster -- my sainted Arab/Han cross, now 20, who will be helping two new (to him) riders over the next year as I transition to being a Snowbird;
c. All the trainers who have patiently put up with me over the past 29 years of trying to teach me how to ride; and
d. All of you who have entrusted me with this position.
October eNews:
The Regional Championships have come and gone with a Job Well Done to the Devonwood crew. While the weather could have been better (and it could have been MUCH worse) the almost 200 horses and their riders had a great experience. (And if you don’t believe me, read the many, many FB posts on the Region 6 Group Facebook page!)
Our Jr/YR “family” held a very successful auction (raising $4900 for the Jr/YR program) at the Championships. Thank you Cile Savoy and Nicki Grandia for your hard work and all of you who donated items. Nicki held an “ice cream social” Friday night for all the Junior and Young Riders who might be interested in the various Youth Programs and it was quite well attended.
On Thursday I held my first Regional Meeting in the Devonwood “Clubhouse” (and THANK YOU to Devonwood for allowing it to be held there). With about 35 members from the Region, I believe it was a success. I have asked the Regional Webmaster to post the slides that were shown during the meeting and the following are my notes of important items:
a. Noah Rattner explained why the 2020 Regional Championships were scheduled for Labor Day Weekend but also explained the Show Committee will be requesting a change to a later weekend – so stay tuned for information on a date change!
b. I discussed the lack of formal Policies and Procedures for the Region and am soliciting volunteers to staff a Committee to create them. IF you would like to take part in this, please email me – region6dir@usdf.org
c. The upcoming Regional Summit, set for Jan. 11, 2020, was discussed (it was outlined in the September eNews -- https://www.usdfregion6.org/from-the-director). This is a joint project between Region 6 and the PNW High Performance Dressage Foundation and is modelled after the very successful Trainer Summit.
d. Gaye McCabe, a former Regional Director and longtime Regional Treasurer, has told me it is time for her to retire and let a new person take over the position. IF you would like to be considered for the job of Regional Treasurer, please let me know.
e. Don’t forget to peruse the following media for Regional information:
Region 6 Group Facebook page:
Region 6 website:
Region 6 Instagram:
[Confession – I don’t “get” Instagram so I don’t use this but PLEASE, if you are one who DOES “get” Instagram, make sure you tag Region 6 when you post related pictures.]
News Items
Clinics and Events To Remember
As always, check the Region 6 Group Facebook Page Calendar for events.
ODS will host the Trainer’s Workshop Oct. 18-19 in Wilsonville, Oregon:
Equestrians’ Institute will host the last of its 2019 Clinic Series with Jan Ebeling and Anne Gribbons Oct. 19-20 in Snohomish, Washington:
USDF Dressage Finals in Lexington, Kentucky – November 7 – 10. IF you are planning on attending, please post on the Region6 Group Facebook page and/or let me know so that we can coordinate attendees and, if needed, transportation.
Sept. eNews:
So much has gone on this month – competitors doing VERY well at the US Dressage Festival – NAYC competitors having a great time – full shows getting competitors ready for the Regional Championships – and then to end the month, news that one of the Region’s top show facilities is for sale! Yes, a month to remember.
Congratulations to all those who competed at the NAYC in New York with Oregon’s Jori Dupell taking the Silver in the Jr Freestyle.
Jori then topped off August by competing at the US Dressage Festival and winning the Junior Dressage National Championship on her horse, Fiderprinz 2. But she was not the only Wilsonville, Oregonian to win as Michelle Bondy won the Young Horse Dressage National Championships: 4-Year Old Division.
Jennifer Schrader-Williams, Washington, placed 3rd in the Grand Prix Dressage National Championships, McKenzie Milburn, Washington, placed 5th in the Junior Dressage National Championships and Daphne Glenn, Washington, placed 9th in the Children’s Dressage National Championships and 9th in the 13 & Under Dressage Seat Medal Finals National Championships.
A HUGE Congratulations to all of you.
Many within the Region have competed at Donida Farms Equestrian Center in Auburn, Washington. Gwen and Dave Blake have been outstanding contributors to the Region and Dressage. One of my very first show experiences was watching Gwen ride Juvel at Donida after her Pam Am Games Team Silver in 1991. As with so much in life, there are changes and as of August 27th (yesterday as I write this), Donida Farms E.C. is for sale. All I can say is, THANK YOU Gwen and Dave for all you have done for the sport and the Region. I hope the sale goes through quickly and with no problems or hassles (OK, and I hope, REALLY HOPE, it continues to be a venue for Dressage!).
Last item for this eNews – there will be a Region 6 Meeting on Thursday, Sept. 19, the first day of the Regional Championships at Devonwood Equestrian Center. Among the topics to be discussed are:
1. A proposed “Regional Summit” which is scheduled for next January at Devonwood. While attendance will be by invitation (GMO leaders, major show people (managers, secretaries, facility owners), PM Delegates and a few others) I will be encouraging ALL Region 6 people to let me know your concerns about shows, showing and the “state of Dressage” within the Region;
2. Creation of a set of Policies and Procedures for the Region to cover such things as fund raising; Region sponsored events; and use of Regional funds; and
3. Introduction of PM Delegates and a time to discuss with them.
I hope many of you will join me there.
THE Big Event – Region 6 Championships, Devonwood Equestrian Center, Sherwood, Oregon – Sept. 19 – 22nd. If you aren’t showing, come be a Volunteer!
Region 6 Meeting – Thursday, Sept. 19 at the Regional Championships
USDF Annual Convention – Dec. 4 – 7th – Savannah, Georgia
As always, check out the Regional Group Facebook Page for a listing of ALL the events in the Region.
It is August 2nd, the NAYC is in full swing with 3 riders from the Region, Jori Dupell, Cameron Wyman and Lindsey Savoy. Again, congratulations to all for representing the Region.
Notice just went out that USEF has approved yet another change to the Freestyle Qualifying rule. While the 63% remains for Tr – 4th level Freestyles, as of December, it will be 60% for FEI Freestyles. I guess the USEF does listen some times.
I’m looking forward to the Regional Championships at Devonwood, Sherwood, Oregon, September 19 – 22nd. The show is now open for entries through August 26 and you can enter through Equestrian Entries or download the Prize List/Entry Form at the Devonwood web site -- http://r6.devonwoodec.com/pl.
Of course, if you are not going to ride in the show I hope you will come and be a part of it as a Volunteer (they are always needed!). In addition, I’m hoping/planning to have a Regional Meeting one evening to discuss “things” and introduce your Participating Member Delegates (at least those who are there). This will be a chance to ask questions/make comments about upcoming issues at the USDF Board of Governors’ Meeting in December. Stay tuned and check out the Region 6 Group Facebook page for more information as well as the Regional website.
News Items
Shows, Clinics and Events To Remember
Northwest Sport Horse Breeders
Entries are OPEN for the Northwest Sport Horse Breeders Classic Shows, August 24 & 25, an Equestrians Institute weekend held at Donida Farm.
Two back-to-back DSHB shows qualifying for Sunday's USDF Northwest Series Breeders Championships AND Region 6 Materiale Championships.
NEW this year: Dressage through Fourth level on Saturday; Materiale will have separate Championships for 3, 4 and 5 Year Olds; USDF 3-Yr-Old Prospect Award.
Lots of breed associations on board to recognize their high point winners in several categories!
Enter now at www.EqEntries.com or download the prize list & entry form at www.einw.org/sport-horse.html.
Questions? Contact Kaye Phaneuf, Phaneuf@Canby.com.
Oregon Dressage Society Championships
Entries are now open for the ODS Championships at Devonwood, September 6-8. Enter through Equestrian Entries or download the Prize List at
"L" Program Testing
Whidbey Equestrian Center is hosting an “L” Program Testing at its Summer’s End Show, August 23-24 and some of the “L” Candidates need scribes. If you would like to help out, please contact Matt Eagan through the Region 6 Group Facebook Page or matt@mdressage.com. And if you want to enter the show -- https://www.ridewec.com/#SummerEndandWECFinals
As always, check the Region 6 Group Facebook Page Events Calendar for up to date listing of events throughout the Region.
July 2019 -- eNews
Congratulations to our Four Junior and Young Riders who qualified to go to the North American Youth Championships (NAYC) with their Chef d’Equipe, Nicki Grandia.
Cameron Wyman, Nadine Orriss, Lindsey Savoy (Young Riders) and Jori Dupell (Junior) all made it through and qualified. (Unfortunately, yesterday I was informed that Nadine’s horse has suffered an injury and will not be competing – very sad.) They are getting ready for the NACY the first week of August in New York and want and need your help.
There is a raffle for some VERY nice prizes with the money going to help support our Riders – buy your tickets at your show with the drawing to be held at the Devonwood Show in July. Full bios and snapshots of the Riders will be posted on the Region 6 FB page – be sure to congratulate all of them for their hard work and success.
Please also congratulate the other Juniors and Young Riders who competed this year, Ashley Anderson, Jessica Beck and Emilia Lam and wish them well for next year.
In our Region, there are 27 USEF Licensed officials – 21 Judges (4 “r”, 7 “R” and 10 “S”) with 6 Technical Delegates (4 “r” and 2 “R”). While I’m sure most are known, I thought it would be nice to let them tell a bit about themselves so I’ve asked all the officials to answer some questions. I’ll post their responses periodically (and put them on the Region 6 website).
Christel A. Carlson, MD “S” judge – Spokane, WA:
[When and how did you get involved with horses and with dressage?]
I started taking riding lessons at age 10 on some western quarter horses in Amarillo Texas. We were transferred to Japan in the late 60s and I was fortunate to learn dressage, eventing and show jumping from great instructors in those four years. I was active on the Florida dressage circuit when it was starting in the 70s. I primarily show jumped or evented but I did belong to the Deep South dressage association and ride in clinics and shows. I had the chance to ride horses for the Univ of Fl Horse Teaching Unit (long before collegiate clubs). I bought my first horse in 1981 when I graduated from graduate school. He evented, show jumped and made it to GP in dressage.
[Where do you live and how long have you lived in the Region?]
I moved to Spokane from Florida in 1985 and have developed my farm, boarding stable and show facility over these last 30 years. I’ve hosted recognized dressage shows at my farm in Spokane for 25 years. I have bred most of the horses I competed on and earned my bronze silver and gold USDF medals.
[What do you enjoy most about your officiating?]
I love seeing the horses. I also very much enjoy the partnership of the para-dressage riders and their horses. I enjoy talking horses with colleagues and sometimes even the travel is fun.
[What is your most memorable “dressage moment?”]
My favorite shows were judging the FEI 4-5-6 yo, developing PSG and GP championships at Lamplight and also our national championships in Lexington. Devon is always amazing as a breed show. My favorites for my para-dressage license were the Mexico and Canada shows. My favorite for my eventing license is Rebecca Farm in Montana- the group of officials is always super, Kalispell in the summer and it’s the biggest event in the US.
[In addition to horses, in what other activities (hobbies, work, etc.) are you involved?]
I’ve been very active in nonprofits (humane society) and professional societies for my medical career. Served as officer or on board of directors. I’ve enjoyed camping and backpacking over the years and still enjoy leisure travel. I ran a pony club center for a while and I’m still active regionally with pony club. I’m very hands on with building fences and working the cross country course for our events.
[What is your “formal” educational background?]
I practiced cardiac and neurological anesthesia specialties and just recently retired from the hospital practice. I still have an outpatient anesthesia practice and I’m also trained in acupuncture.
[In addition to your officiating, what other USEF or USDF “jobs” have you done/are doing?]
I serve on numerous committees for the US Eventing Assoc and have served on several for USDF as well
[Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself with the Region?]
I’ve tried hard to support dressage for over 25 years both in region 6 and nationally. We have hosted national qualifiers, L and r programs and numerous candidates for licenses.
And now for the not-so-important stuff!
Now that I’m half-way through my first year as your Regional Director, I thought “Why not tell people what I’m doing? Who knows, maybe they’ll be interested?”
So, at the suggestion of my fiancé, I’m going to review my June and talk a bit about what is coming up for my summer.
You might have noticed the word “fiancé” – yes, your Regional Director (a widower) is getting married September 14 (it was the only weekend available between horse shows!). As a result of the upcoming nuptials, I’ve moved two miles from my house to “her” house and have spent the month emptying my house and getting it ready to rent.
However, the month started with me running the Summervale Spring Dressage Festival in my job as the Manager and Secretary of the show.
The next weekend saw Louise (fiancé) and I fly to Tucson to go Condo hunting – successfully – in anticipation of becoming SnowBirds. The Condo closed today and we will be spending our winter months there (but don’t worry, I’ll still be working hard as your Regional Director).
The third weekend of June saw me riding my Hann-Arab cross (registered Pinto!), Enigma, at the Equestrians’ Institute show at Donida where we didn’t do very well on Saturday but rallied to get a qualifying score on our Fourth Level Freestyle on Sunday.
Then came the Dressage in the Park Show in Lacey, Washington and Iggy and I rode the Freestyle again and qualified for Regionals. Now I just need two more scores for my Silver Bar – Champagne Classic here we come!
In mid-July off to California to TD a couple of shows, then the August Summervale show. A full summer it looks like.
Many, many shows – please go to the Region 6 Facebook Group Page Calendar
NOTE – If you have NOT put your show, your clinic, your EVENT on the Events Calendar, PLEASE do so!
Region 6 Junior/Young Rider Raffle – Drawing to be held at the Devonwood Show in July but tickets available at WEC, Champagne Classic and other shows!
NEW Participating Member Delegates – The results of the election to be announced the end of July (I hope YOU voted!)
June, 2019 eNews
With the show season in full swing, I hope you all have healthy horses and great rides -- or at the very least, that you have fun!
There are a few items I wish to highlight:
a. Starting June 1, voting will be open for the election of Participating Member Delegates to the USDF Board of Governors. We are fortunate to have 8 people nominated for our 7 Delegate Slots:
Stephanie Bonney
Matt Eagan
Rick Edwards
Nicki Grandia
Anne Montgomery
Kaye Phaneuf
Jo Renn
Amanda Wilgenburg
We all should thank them for running for the position and support them by providing all with ideas and your desires for the Region.
Here is a link to the bios which are on the USDF website:
b. The USEF has denied the proposal, which was submitted by the USDF Executive Board, to repeal the change in the qualifying score for Freestyles. HOWEVER, the USEF is now considering ANOTHER change to the rule (moving from a 60% score to ride a Freestyle to 63% for all levels) to 63% for Training - Fourth and 60% for FEI Freestyles.
IF YOU WISH, you may comment on the USEF website -- https://www.usef.org/compete/resources-forms/rules-regulations/rule-changes
c. For you GMO members, PLEASE think about nominations for the GMO Awards -- Newsletter, Website, Volunteer of the year and others. Nominations for all categories are due by August 31 but start thinking about them now.
d. USDF Convention in Savannah, Georgia -- Yes, it isn't until December BUT you should start thinking about going now. AND, GMOs, don't forget there is the possibility of grant money to help defray the cost with information at the USDF website.
e. It's looking like Region 6 will have several Junior and Young Riders going back to New York the end of July for the NAYC competition. Nicki Grandia, Regional FEI Youth Coordinator, is working hard to make sure all who have declared have everything lined up.
One of those things is the R6 Youth Raffle -- BUY YOUR TICKETS at the shows and even if you aren't showing, go volunteer at the show!
That's all for now -- off to run a horse show!
News Items
Shows, Clinics and Events To Remember
As always, go to the Region 6 Group Facebook Page and click on the "Events" button to find out the up-to-date information on events within the Region.
BTW, if you haven't joined the Group -- DO IT! (OK, it IS Facebook and I get that some don't want to have anything to do with it BUT it is the best method we currently have for getting information out.)
Vote Now!
Voting for the Participating Member (PM) Delegates you would like to represent your region takes place June 1 – June 30. Only Participating Members (not Group Members) are eligible to vote in the PM Delegate elections. To learn more about the PM Delegate nominees in your region, click here. To vote, visit the USDF website and login, or click the “Vote” icon. If you would like to request a paper ballot be mailed to you, e-mail nominations@usdf.org or call the USDF office.
May eNews -- Regional Director's Message
May 1-- I started writing this eNews two weeks ago but so much has happened since then, I'll just work backwards.
Congratulations to so many of our Region 6 riders and their horses for doing so well at the shows in California. I wanted to highlight Our Junior and Young Riders, Jori Dupell and Cameron Wyman, for their successes but then Jenifer Williams topped things by being Fourth on the "Long List" for the Pan Am Games!
April 29 - The USDF announced the 2020 Regional Championships will be held at Devonwood Equestrian Center the first weekend of September -- 3rd -- 6th. The Regional Site Selection Committee, chaired by Karen Petty (WA) with Kaye Phaneuf ("R" TD, OR), Kathryn Lewis (WA), Stephanie Bonney (ID) and Stevie Gaudreau (MT), used the template provided by USDF to evaluate the two applications -- one for Devonwood and one for the Idaho Horse Park in Nampa.
They had a difficult task and created the following "Principles" which they used to make their selection:
Guiding Principles:
Inclusion of all geographies comprising Region 6
Optimal conditions for competitors to earn their scores
Safety for horse and rider
Great experience for all competitors
Transparency in decision making
After much back and forth via email, the Committee held a conference call where everyone expressed their opinions in an "open and frank" discussion. It was very clear that both applications had plusses and minuses but it was felt that, for 2020, Devonwood would be the better facility in which to hold the Championships -- a decision with which the majority of the USDF Executive Board agreed.
April 26 -- Region 6 now has 3 Juniors and 4 Young Riders who have declared for the North American Youth Championships in New York. I am pleased to see there are 3 from Oregon, 3 from Washington and 1 from Montana (at least I'm hoping Cameron Wyman is saying she still lives in Washington despite going to college in California!). Congratulations to all of you and here's hoping you all get your qualifying scores and all go back to New York for the NAYC.
And speaking of the NAYC and Region 6 Youth programs, two things:
A. Nicki Grandia (FEI Youth Coordinator), Garyn Heidemann and Heather Olson (and others!) are working to put together another Region 6 Youth Camp at Devonwood in August. Your help will be greatly appreciated so please contact me or them with your generous offers.
B. Nicki Grandia is setting up an online Auction for our Youth Programs. Auction Items are needed so BE GENEROUS and donate. Contact Nicki either through the R6 Facebook Page or email me and I'll pass it along.
April 19. I'm sitting in the Detroit Airport, on my way back to Olympia after my first "real" Executive Board Meeting. We covered many topics, some mundane, others definitely not -- but all were given very appropriate consideration.
There was some discussion of the New Regional Schooling Show Awards Program and some final tweaking of the rules. You can see the most up-to-date rules on the USDF website at https://www.usdf.org/awards/performance/regional-schooling.asp
I hope that all who hold schooling shows will enter their shows into the program and that all of the GMOs within the Region will educate their members about the program. In addition, GMOs are encouraged to work with the non-GMO entities which are running schooling shows to encourage all who enter to join the local GMO and participate in the Regional Awards Program.
Huge Congratulations to our Web Master, Greg Darnell, for getting the Trainer Map up and going on the Regional website: https://www.usdfregion6.org/trainer-map
The yearly cost for this listing will be $24 with a special First Year cost of only $12. We are hoping this will give everyone within the Region the information they need to find the right trainer in the right area for them.
Greg is contemplating other items for the website (a map of USEF Officials within the Region and USDF "L" graduates) among other things.
News Items -- Shows, Clinics and Events To Remember
As always, please check the Region 6 Facebook Events page for an up-to-date listing of events -- https://www.facebook.com/groups/618589791577858/events/
There are shows almost every weekend somewhere in the Region and many, many clinics. Just go to the Events calendar to pick what you want.
April eNews – Regional Director’s Message
I’ll start this eNews with a big Thank You to Olson’s Tack in Bellevue, Washington and Schanon Odell for hosting a fund raiser for the U25 riders of Region 6 on March 22. Fund raising for all of the various programs is a much needed activity.
Spring has sprung which means the Region’s show season will soon be here. In fact, many May shows (and of course the one April show) are open for entry. Find the various regional shows at the USEF website -- https://www.usef.org/search/competitions
Remember to enter the “Ride-A-Test” fund raiser, April 27th, which will help you tune up for the shows starting in May. You’ll ride your test, talk with the judge, have an FEI level trainer help you out and then ride your test again. Full information at www.tsandm.com/ride
In addition to Spring bringing our USDF recognized shows, it also is bringing the USDF Jr/YR Clinic with George Williams, April 6 & 7 to Miari Stables, Olympia, Washington. Auditors are very encouraged to come and watch our up-and-coming youth riders and listen to George. Congratulations to the riders who were chosen for this clinic:
* Cami LaLone - Marysville, WA
* Daphne Glenn - Gig Harbor, WA
* Emilia Lam - Mount Vernon, WA
* Emma McKeighen - Enumclaw, WA
* Jessica Beck - Oregon City, OR
* Lindsey Savoy - West Linn, OR
* Mallih Ataee - Medina, WA
* McKenzie Milburn - Bothell, WA
We all know that April 15th is “Tax Day” – but did you know it is also the day when nominations to be a Participating Member Delegate are due at the USDF Office? The Region needs willing members to be PM Delegates to represent ALL the members at the Board of Governors and assist the Regional Director throughout the year. Always interesting to me is that the PM Delegates are the ONLY “officials” within the USDF that are directly elected by the membership! Don’t be shy about nominating yourself (I always did) -- https://www.usdf.org/about/about-usdf/governance/nominating/PMFAQ.pdf
Speaking of Delegates, one final salute to Idaho Dressage and Eventing Association’s GM Delegate, Stephanie Jaymes Bonney who was the moving force behind the BOG (Board of Governors) requiring the USDF to request the USEF to change the Freestyle Qualification Rule back to a score of 60%. While the changed rule (63%) is still in effect, the USEF Board will vote on moving it back in mid-May. Delegates DO make a difference.
I have my first “real” Executive Board Meeting on April 18-19 in Lexington. Although not published at the time I’m writing this, the Agenda, Staff Notes and Regional Director’s comments should be posted before then. Please take a look and let me know your questions or comments. Of course if you have something you’d like me to bring to the Executive Board, send me an email with your concerns and comments.
Here is the link to where the above reports SHOULD be: https://www.usdf.org/about/about-usdf/executive-board.asp
Of course it wouldn’t be a Message from the Regional Director if it didn’t include the following message – SAFE SPORT TRAINING is required for all USEF competitors (riders, owners, trainers) 18 and older at USEF licensed functions -- https://www.usef.org/compete/resources-forms/rules-regulations/safe-sport
Events: [Be sure to check for all the Regional Events listed on the Regional Group Facebook page Events Calendar -- https://www.facebook.com/groups/618589791577858/ ]
April 6 & 7 – Jr/YR Clinic with George Williams -- https://www.usdf.org/education/clinics/jryr/2019/R6GeneralInformation.pdf
April 15 – Due date for PM Nominations --
April 18-19 – Spring USDF Executive Board Meeting, Lexington
April 27 – Region 6 “Ride-A-Test” Fundraiser co-sponsored by E I and LWSC
April 28 – E.I. Schooling Show partner with the Saturday Clinic
March, 2019 eNews
I hope all have been warm and safe this past month – it is certainly “that time of year” for non-so-predictable weather all around the Region. The snows have wreaked havoc with a number of events but we’ll overcome.
Not only is it “that time of year” for unpredictable weather, but it is also “that time” when the Region 6 Show Season begins. The first two USDF/USEF licensed shows will be held March 9-10 and April 13-14 at Devonwood, the 2019 Regional Championships venue.
I just printed out the Region 6 shows that are currently licensed with the USEF and I was very happy to see how many shows we have and how they are spread throughout the Region. I was born and raised in Western Washington and admit to a bias for the “west side.” BUT, everyone, take a look at all the shows east of the Cascades at some fabulous venues. My eventer and hunter/jumper friends laugh at me for not being willing to drive more than a couple of hours to a show. Just for kicks, all of us should promise ourselves to do at least one show “on the other side” of the mountains – why not?
The Father-Daughter team of Greg and Claire Darnell are working diligently on updating the Region’s digital presence. The website, www.usdfregion6.org, has been getting a facelift. Greg is working on various ideas, including using Google maps for the Trainer List – and we are contemplating adding a minimal yearly fee for the listing. We are also looking at the best ways for integrating Facebook, Instagram and the website – check for updates on the website and the Region 6 Group Facebook Page -- https://www.facebook.com/groups/618589791577858/?ref=bookmarks
Junior and Young Riders – the first NAYC Declaration of Intent deadline is March 19 -- $50 fee which increases to $100 for Declarations submitted after March 19 but before May 1.
Participating Delegate Nominations are due by April 15th. This nomination is FREE so why not submit your name?
Clinics, Shows and Events To Remember
(Reminder – check out the Region 6 Facebook Page Events Calendar for many, many events happening within the Region)
First Region 6 Show of the Season:
Bridge City Classic – March 9 -10 at Devonwood
Blue Ribbon Schooling Show – March 16 at Devonwood
Donida Farm PRE Dressage Schooling Show – March 23 at Donida
E.I Schooling Show – March 31 at Bridle Trails State Park, Kirkland
Region 6 Youth Fund Raiser – “Ride-A-Test” (Ride & Review show/clinic)
www.tsandm.com/ride -- Bridle Trails State Park, Kirkland
E.I. Schooling Show – April 28 at Bridle Trails State Park, Kirkland
CLINICS – Dressage Through the Levels
March 16 – 17 – Donida
Jen Verharen Riding Clinic
March 17 – Canterwood Riding Club, Gig Harbor, WA
Musical Freestyle Clinic
March 22 – 24 – Starr Valley Farm, Longbranch, WA
USDF Jr/YR Clinic with George Williams – Auditors Welcome!
April 6 -7, Miari Stables, Olympia
February, 2019 eNews
Many thanks to all those who have helped the Region this month which started with the Region and USDF being represented at the Arabian Horse Association's Region 5 EquestFest. The Region was well represented by PM Delegates Amanda Wilgenburg and Rick Edwards, Equestrians’ Institute President, Kathryn Lewis and USDF and AHA member Darsie Bell. I hope this is just the first of many times the Region will join other organizations to promote USDF and Dressage. FB post/pictures here.
I hope you all saw the Wall Street Journal article on Region 6's Petra Hilleberg, titled "Staying Fit With The Help of a Horse Named Boogie Woogie -- Petra Hilleberg, a small business CEO, competes in dressage, commonly described as equine ballet"
Congratulations to Petra for getting a national publication to write about dressage!
The Region 6 Group Facebook page will soon be the only official R6 Facebook page and many thanks to all who have joined (889 members to date). My hope is that this Group Page and the Events Calendar will be the central news source for the Region. Please feel free to post your events, GMO or barn sponsored, on the Events Calendar. And if you haven't yet taken a look at it, go ahead and click to see how much is really going on within the Region.
While the Group FB page will be the up-to-the-minute news source, the Region 6 website will still be the place for information about the Region. Again, many thanks to our webmaster, Lori Fleming, for her work on the site for so many years and welcome to our new web team, Claire Darnell and her father, Greg. In addition to Claire helping her father work on the site, Claire has also "volunteered" to be the Region 6 Instagram coordinator. I'll admit that I really don't understand WHAT she'll be doing with Instagram but everyone keeps telling me IT is what is needed for "modern communications."
I'll close with thanking the Oregon Dressage Society for allowing me to come to its Annual Board Retreat last weekend and presenting my vision for the Region.
Now on to the news items:
Clinics, Deadlines and Much More!
There are many educational opportunities coming up within the Region over the next few months. While you can find many references to them on the Region 6 Group Facebook page, here are some to be held within the next few weeks that should be of interest:
"Get Ready for 2019 Tests" -- Devonwood, Sherwood, OR -- Saturday - Sunday, Feb. 9 - 10
"Kathleen Raine Clinic" -- Bear Creek Farm, Woodinville, WA -- Saturday - Sunday, Feb. 9 - 10
"Musical Freestyle Clinic w. Cynthia Collins" -- Lower Puget Sound Dressage Club, Longbranch, WA -- March 1 - 3
The USDF Jr/YR Clinic with George Williams will be held Saturday-Sunday, April 6 & 7 at Miari Stables, Olympia, WA. This clinic is open to all Jr/YR USDF members with the application deadline of Feb. 22nd. Auditors are encouraged and, from my experience, will find much of interest.
Full information, application form, here.
The Second Annual Region 6 Youth Ride-A-Test Fundraiser will be held at Bridle Trails State Park, Kirkland, WA, Saturday, April 27. This "Ride & Review" Fund Raiser is co-sponsored by Equestrians' Institute and the Lake Washington Saddle Club. The two volunteer judges, Kari McClain, "S - FEI***" and Teresa Stewart, "R", will judge your test and then give you feedback for work with one of our volunteer FEI level volunteer trainers. Ride your test, work on an issue and then re-ride the test and see how much better you do!
Information here.
The Dressage Foundation has many grants available for many different reasons and some have deadlines in February. Please take a look and if you qualify, or even if you think you might qualify, apply. While you may not get the grant IF you apply, I can guarantee you will NOT get it if you don't!
The Dressage Foundation grants
A HUGE Thank You to Region 6's "R" TD, Kaye Phaneuf, has summarized USEF 2019 Rule Changes. As riders, we are all responsible for knowing the rules and making sure we are in compliance. So take a look at what Kaye has produced.
Of course it wouldn't be an official eNews if I failed to mention Safesport Training. Don't forget to do your training!
Tell me what is happening in YOUR part of the Region so that I can put it into the next months USDF eNews.
Happy February everyone!
Peter Rothschild
Regional Director
January, 2019 eNews:
Region 6 thanks Carolynn Bunch for her diligent service as Regional Director these past three years. Her service to the Region was well recognized and appreciated.
During her time as Regional Director and on the USDF Executive Board, she was able to accomplish several items of particular import to the Region. Thanks, in no small part to her hard work, the USDF has implemented travel grants to help us attend the Dressage Finals. These grants have made, and will make, it less of a financial burden to transport our horses across the country.
In addition to helping create the Travel Grants, Thank You Carolynn for all the work you have done to generate funds for Regional programs. Carolynn's efforts in creating items for sale, supervising raffles and soliciting donations were vital to many programs.
Carolynn, Thank You for your hard work.
[title] Gold, Silver, Bronze -- R6 Riders Earn Medals -- HELP Needed! -- and much, much more.
In this eNews:
Region 6 Medal Winners
R6 Riders Get Training Awards
Help Wanted!
SafeSport Now
2019 Dressage Tests
Regional Communications
New Regional Director
1. Congratulations to all the Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal and Freestyle Bar winners in the Region in 2018.
Many were on hand at the USDF "Gala" to get their awards.
A special Congratulations to Karen Chekenian, Kirkland, WA, who earned BOTH her Gold Medal and Gold Bar!
Other Gold Medal winners were:
Aaron Janicki, Mount Vernon, WA
Mercedes Scheu, Portland, OR
Emily Sorensen, Bainbridge Island, WA
Stacy Taylor, Belfair, WA
In addition, Region 6 Freestyle Gold Bar Winners were:
Marion Dresel-O`Connor, Careywood, ID
Jacquelyn McMaster, Sherwood, OR
You can see ALL of the Regional Award Winners on the Region 6 Website (soon).
2. A HUGE Congratulations to Mallih Ataee and Ellen Roy
Mallih, a Young Rider and member of our NAJYRC Team from Kirkland, WA, was accepted into the Robert Dover Horsemastership Clinic.
Ellen Roy, Yakima, WA, won a Carol Lavell Gifted Memorial Fund Award in order to study with Mike Osinksi. http://www.dressagefoundation.org/newsroom/newsroom.html/article/2018/12/31/tdf-s-carol-lavell-gifted-memorial-fund-awards-11-000-to-adult-amateur-riders?fbclid=IwAR0TK6euE6Qx8L5ABM9yzgpDfD8RyRC99VOALJZsIc4JbeFixMytyrG1iqw
3. Yes, Region 6 has several "Help Wanted" signs out.
Our webmaster for the last many years, Lori Fleming, says it is time for new blood so IF you have a desire to help out here, let the Regional Director know.
In addition, now is the time to think about becoming one of the Region's Participating Member Delegates. The PM Delegates are the ONLY officials elected by the Membership and they both assist the Regional Director throughout the year but also vote as part of the Board of Directors of the USDF. Feel free to contact the current Delegates with your concerns, comments and suggestions.
4. SafeSport Training -- now it is official.
If you are 18 or older and a "Competing Member" of the USEF, you must complete the SafeSport training in order to take part in a USEF sanctioned function. Because the USDF is an affiliate of the USEF, the SafeSport rule applies to USDF functions also.
If you haven't done the training, just do it -- you'll probably learn something -- and that isn't a bad thing, right?
5. 2019 has brought new Dressage Tests.
Here is a link to diagrams of the tests and you may find them helpful.
6. There is a new GMO in the Region (or there soon will be).
The Lower Puget Sound Chapter of ODS has made the change to become its own GMO. Welcome to the Region.
7. Communication within the Region is key to success.
At this time, it appears the Region 6 Facebook Group Page is the best way for all of us to communicate. While not everyone is "on" Facebook, I hope that all will at least periodically peruse the Region 6 FB Events Calendar to see all that is happening.
When you, GMO, Barn, Individual, have a function, PLEASE post it as an event on the Events Calendar so that we all can see what is happening in our very large Region.
8. As of January 1, 2019, Region 6 has a new Regional Director, Peter Rothschild, Olympia, WA.
Peter has been involved with the Region and USDF since 1995 when he opened his mouth and asked the RD "Why isn't there a Region 6 website?" The RD responded "That's a good question, why don't you create one?" It may be said he hasn't learned his lesson since he has opened his mouth and continued to ask questions ever since.
Peter rides and competes his Arab-Hanoverian cross, Iggy, as an AA and while they were invited to the National Finals this past year, Iggy decided he'd rather not go and has spent the last 3 months on rehab (fortunately he is 100% sound again).
Peter is also the Region's newest TD and is looking forward to meeting competitors through that position.
Since he was nominated at the Convention, his official "bio and answers" were not published in Connections but it is available online:
He is looking forward to helping you make Region 6 the envy of the USDF.
The USDF Annual Convention in Savannah has started and Region 6 is well represented. All seven of the PM Delegates are finally here and all of the Region’s GMOs are being represented – either by their Delegates or by those who have agreed to “carry the proxy” for the GMO Delegate who wasn’t able to come to Savannah.
There are several issues which will be decided after this eNews has been finished but before it has been published:
The USDF will have a new Vice-President (either Ken Levy of Indiana or Kevin Reinig of California).
The Board of Governors (BOG) will also be asked to vote on a new type of membership – or perhaps more accurately modifying a current one to make it more attractive. The current “Education Membership” has few members (130, most of whom are junior members) and it is suggested to modify/rename it to a “Non-Competing Membership.” This non-voting membership classification is designed to attract the (literally) thousands of people who drop their Participating Membership each year because they no longer compete. In addition, it is hoped it will also attract some of the thousands of “dressage enthusiasts” who are users of the USDF Facebook Page and/or the “Your Dressage” website. [https://yourdressage.org/]
As part of the Annual Convention, the Executive Board met yesterday (Wednesday) and will meet again Saturday. We were provided with a number of statistics about dressage competitions nationwide and membership numbers. A wrap-up of these numbers will be posted to the Region 6 website soon (www.usdfregion6.org).
While here at the Convention, Keaton Hoy, Oregon, has offered to be the Instagram coordinator for the Region.
The following jobs are looking for people to fill them:
2021 Regional Championships Site Selection Committee – I need people who are familiar with the various facilities, competitors, managers/secretaries, licensed officials and/or just all-around good people to examine any/all applications for the 2021 Regional Championships
Regional Secretary
Reginal Fund Raising Coordinator – totally new idea but someone who can work on fund raising for the Region’s various activities – not necessarily someone to DO the fund raising, but who has the ability to spur action
At this time I don’t know how many from the Region will be getting awards, rider awards, horse of the year, etc., but check out the Regional Website periodically for updates and congratulations to our winners.
As I wrote before, periodically I would include information about one of the Region’s many USEF Licensed Officials. This one is from Sigrun Robertson:
a. I started riding in Gothenburg, Sweden, at the riding school on school horses, when I was seven years old. I rode there until I was 23. In Sweden everyone rides dressage, and most also rider jumpers. So did I, starting to compete on the school horses in both dressage and jumping from about the age 12.
b. I have lived in Alaska since 1967. I now live in Anchorage, Alaska since 1977.
c. I enjoy the people and the horses equally. I like being involved in the sport, though I do not compete anymore. I think by officiating I can contribute to the sport.
d. Scribing for Bengt Ljungquist when I was 17 at a large competition in Gothenburg, Sweden.
e. I have been the Executive Director for Oomingmak, the Musk Ox Producers Co-Operative for many years. I worked for them for 48 years. They are a small Co-Op owned by approximately 250 Alaska Native women, who knit with the very fine underwool of the Musk Ox. See: qiviut.com
Besides that I love to travel, often to Sweden, I enjoy knitting and other handwork.
f. I have some college, but no degree. I studied languages in England, France Germany and Switzerland in my youth. I have continued intermittently to take college classes in many subject, but mainly French and some German, to keep those languages alive.
g. I have been on the board and am a founding member of Alaska Dressage Association. I have held most positions on the ADA board. I have been both a PM and GM delegate to the BoG at several conventions. I have held most positions possible at Alaska Dressage Association shows. I been a Steward and a Technical Delegate for over 40 years.
h. Being in Alaska sometimes feels a little remote from the mainstream of USDF and the Region, but I must say I have always felt very welcome and part of both groups at the times I have been at the Convention or other places to interact with the rest of you.
Regional Activities:
January 11, 2020 – Regional Summit at Devonwood
March 21, 2020 – Musical Freestyle Clinic hosted by the Lower Puget Sound Dressage Club
April 25-26 – USDF Jr/YR Clinic with George Williams – Wilsonville, OR – application information soon to be available at: https://www.usdf.org/education/clinics/jryr/index.asp
April 25-26 – USDF Youth Outreach Clinic – Wilsonville-Sherwood, OR – information and application soon to be available at:
Nomination for Participating Member Delegate – due by April 15, 2020 – information at: